French Intelligence Services Have Expelled 16 Radicalised Agents Since 2014


Since 2014, the French intelligence services have dismissed 16 agents suspected of being radicalised, with a new report demanding even stricter measures be implemented.

The report commissioned by French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe saw the Inspectorate of Intelligence Services draw up a list of issues regarding the possible vulnerability of French intelligence officials and police to Islamic radicalisation, Le Parisien reports.

According to the newspaper, the report deemed the current processes for identifying radicalised individuals to be sufficient but noted that they also had other areas that could be improved upon.

The report has also recommended that the national domestic intelligence agency, the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI), vet agents of the Intelligence Department of the Paris Police Prefecture (DRPP) for signs of radicalisation.

Along with the development of a common doctrine for spotting radicalisation across the various agencies, recruitment of new officers and agents will see candidates interviewed by a security officer and a psychologist.

The report comes just months after Islamic convert Mickaël Harpon, an IT professional working for Paris police, killed four people at the Paris headquarters in September before being fatally shot.

Harpon is said to have shown prior signs of radicalisation, including refusing to deal with female colleagues.

Shortly after the attack, a report claimed that French police may have been afraid to speak up about colleagues showing signs of radicalisation because they did not want to be branded as Islamophobic by their superiors.

Police are not the only public service that some fear is being infiltrated by radical Islamists.

MPs Éric Diard of the conservative Republicans and Éric Poulliat of President Emmanuel Macron’s La République En Marche! (LREM/Republic on the Move), interviewed public workers and officials and found cases of radicalised employees across several public services.

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